Shop Milford Photo's used and collectible camera equipment on ebay.
If you're looking for something specific, contact Milford Photo, or stop by to discuss what you're trying to find.
Milford Photo can help with your estate collection and used camera gear.
Contact Milford Photo's appraisal team. Include a description and photos of the equipment you'd like to sell. Accessories, instructions, caps, hoods and extras should be included in the item description. We may call or email if we need more information - please include your phone number in your communication to us. Milford Photo will respond with a quote (valid for 10 days).
Email &
or text them at 888-285-6266.
If we reach an agreement, customers can either ship the quoted equipment or bring it to the store for a final evaluation. Equipment will be inspected in the condition and order that it was received.
If gear is shipped to us for final evaluation, and the provided description is accurate, we will mail a check or you may pick it up in person at our store.
If we find that the condition of your equipment is not as described, we will contact you to modify or rescind our offer and will explain the reason for doing so.
If we do not reach an agreement, we will immediately return your equipment via UPS ground to USA addresses.
Alternatively, give us a call at the store, (203) 882-3415, to coordinate a time to stop by with your gear. We will have one of our specialists available to inspect your equipment, provide a quote (valid for 10 days) and answer questions about our process and policies.
Milford Photo buys recent (5 years old or newer), fully functional, clean photography equipment for resale.
We're looking for:
Condition of Gear
Milford Photo will not purchase:
Milford Photo may purchase:
Equipment must be clean and in working order.
Ship used equipment to:
Milford Photo
Attn: Used Equipment Sales
22 River Street
Milford, CT 06460
Are you trying to figure out what to do with your loved one's cherished camera collection?
Milford Photo understands the unique value of vintage cameras, especially those exotics by Leica, Rollei, Zeiss & Hasselblad. Our evaluation experts provide a fair and accurate valuation and will purchase photographic equipment.
For more information on our estate evaluation and purchase services, contact Jesse Thompson & PJ Pane.
22 River Street
Milford, CT 06460
Tel: (203) 882-3415
Toll Free: 1-800-211-8086
Fax: (203) 882-3419
Milford Photo. All Rights Reserved